Consulting process: Phase 2 of 5

Using the current-state analysis as the foundation for development

Through zweikern Analytics, the defined goals and KPIs take center stage and are reviewed in an initial analysis. This current-state analysis serves as the foundation for development - zweikern creates facts.

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What we achieve in this phase

Icon Handshake Onboarding
Onboarding of project team members

We design the necessary media to optimally prepare participants for the planned project. Depending on the size of the group, we use a variety of formats for onboarding, including personal sessions, videos, podcasts, and presentations. These are implemented in collaboration with key multipliers from the project team.

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Implementation of the initial analysis

We take full responsibility for the preparation, execution, and follow-up of the initial survey using the zweikern Analytics tool. This includes our premium support via live chat, email, and phone. Simultaneously, we train key users who will be working with the results later on.

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Real-time insights

Immediately after the survey is completed, all relevant key users automatically gain access to the results. zweikern Analytics presents these in a way that allows you to view and evaluate all KPIs at a glance. Additionally, the results can be made transparent to all participants without any delay.

Complexity is no issue

Organizations in zweikern Analytics

For us, complexity in organizational structure is not an obstacle but rather a challenge we gladly accept. With zweikern Analytics, we have created a platform capable of precisely mapping even the most complex corporate structures. Once the analytical contents from the initial phase are implemented, we can capture your entire organization within the system. From departments and teams to individual roles and responsibilities—everything finds its place.

Emotionally engaging project team members

Onboarding into the Project

The emotional engagement of project team members is a crucial cornerstone of the onboarding process, setting the stage for efficient and effective project work. During this phase, we don't merely focus on the technical aspects of zweikern Analytics; we also delve into the overarching objectives of the project. We address any questions and remove all uncertainties.

By clearly illustrating the benefits of zweikern Analytics across different project stages, we amplify a shared understanding and zeal for the upcoming challenges. This comprehensive onboarding process ensures transparent communication and cultivates a high level of commitment, both of which are indispensable for the overall project's success.

Junge Frau mit Laptop und zweikern Analytics
Prerequisite for change

Initial analysis using zweikern Analytics

Change begins with understanding the status quo, and that's precisely what the first analysis with zweikern Analytics is designed for. We utilize a meticulously developed questionnaire to gain an in-depth insight into your organization's current structures, processes, and challenges. The questionnaire, custom-designed for this project, allows us to precisely identify specific development factors.

What sets zweikern Analytics apart is its fully automated implementation and evaluation function. Data is captured and analyzed in real-time, enabling swift and informed decision-making. This is the critical first step in steering the change process efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner.

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Prepared for the future

All features of zweikern Analytics

Below you will find all the information about zweikern Analytics and an overview of the available features that you can utilize in the course of your work.

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Next phase: Focused Development

With zweikern Analytics, the data from the current-state analysis is processed into facts to identify individual fields of development. zweikern guides the project sectors and initiates targeted, fact-based developmental actions.

To the phase 3To the overview
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Would you like to explore new paths in your company?
Benefit from the expertise of zweikern's founder, Andreas Kerneder, in a free initial consultation
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