Consulting process: Phase 1 of 5

Goals and KPIs as the foundation for change

In a workshop, our clients' goals are first rigorously examined. By the end of this phase, both the planned approach and an initial questionnaire, the foundation for change, are in place. The project is ready to launch.

Junge Frau denkt nach und fasst sich ans Kinn

What we achieve in this phase

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A clear understanding of the goals

Projects in cultural and organizational development usually start from a complex situation, requiring a well-defined structure. Through our initial strategy workshop, we develop a concrete goal matrix for the joint project, which will serve as our foundation moving forward.

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Measurable KPIs based on goals

Cultural and organizational development is quantifiable! However, traditional economic metrics quickly reach their limits in this context. That's why our experts develop KPIs that can be evaluated and assessed through feedback and questionnaires.

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A structured project approach

Every successful project starts with a well-structured project plan. Based on the joint strategy workshop, we create a project handbook outlining all planned and necessary milestones, responsibilities, and content of the project.

Goals must be understood

The strategy workshop

Goals must be understood—this is the guiding principle for the initial phase of our project work at zweikern. To ensure that we're working from a solid foundation, we conduct a strategy workshop. In close collaboration with a specially designated project group, we sit down together to identify overarching business objectives and their corresponding KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This workshop is not just a roundtable discussion; it's a clearly structured process. We proceed systematically to not only understand our clients' objectives but also to translate them into achievable and measurable outcomes.

Mann hält Strategieschild vor seine Brust
Processes provide structure

Translating objectives into development processes

Processes provide structure—and that is precisely the aim of our work at zweikern. After identifying the key objectives and KPIs in the strategy workshop, the next step is to translate these insights into tangible development processes. The focus here is on the concrete planning and operationalization of the defined objectives. By creating a detailed project plan, we design a structured approach that ranges from the status quo analysis and derivation of actions to ongoing effectiveness evaluation. In this way, we ensure that the insights gathered in the workshop are not only understood but also purposefully implemented in practice.

Junger Mann mit Brille denkt nach
Those Who Want to Know Must Ask

zweikern Develops Analysis Content

Based on the objectives defined in the strategy workshop and the agreed-upon development process, zweikern designs customized analysis content in the form of a questionnaire. This serves as a robust tool for capturing the current state through our zweikern Analytics tool. We place particular emphasis on the flexibility of the analysis: Our questionnaires can be adapted to meet the specific needs of individual teams or departments, enabling us to gain in-depth insights during the analysis phase. Whether it's about leadership skills and a feedback survey is appropriate, or other focal points—the content of the objectives determines the questions we ask. This integrative and individualized approach allows us to conduct targeted and well-founded data collection, which is crucial for the further course of the project.

Frau hält Schild mit Fragezeichen vor ihr Gesicht
The pen is mightier

The zweikern project manual

Under the premise that "The pen is mightier," we at zweikern create a highly detailed project manual to serve as a guide throughout the entire project duration. This invaluable document captures all essential elements: the individual process steps, the contents developed in the strategy workshop, and the people responsible for various project areas. The project manual serves not only as a point of reference but also as a means of communication between all stakeholders. It ensures that everyone on the team knows exactly what tasks and responsibilities they have at any given time and how these fit into the overall project flow. In doing so, we establish a clear structure and transparency that are critical for the project's success.

Junges Team hält Faust aneinander

Next phase: Current State Analysis

Through zweikern Analytics, the defined goals and KPIs take center stage and are reviewed in an initial analysis. This current-state analysis serves as the foundation for development - zweikern creates facts.

To the phase 2To the overview
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Would you like to explore new paths in your company?
Benefit from the expertise of zweikern's founder, Andreas Kerneder, in a free initial consultation
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